Hey, I'm Cav the Digital Mark|

I specialize in digital marketing, web design, data analysis and creative solutions. All powered by coffee.

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Who I am

Creative Visionary

Ambitious, optimistic and passionate about the projects I am a part of; I envision not just where we are today, but where we could be in the future.

Problem Solver

From a young age, Lego's and puzzles have been a constant hobby of mine. I enjoy fixing things and solving the unknowns.

Competitive Spirit

When I am part of a larger mission, I dedicate myself to it. Simply put, if I am going to play, I want to win.

Analytical mindset

I understand that great decisions are made on strong understanding of data and what it reveals or doesn't reveal in the moment.

Quick Learner

Always excited to take on new objectives, learn new skills and meet new people. Life is too short to not try everything you can!


      Skill set

    •     Frontend: HTML, CSS & SASS, Javascript, Vue, JSON
    •     Backend: PHP, Python, Laravel, Django, Node.js, C++, C#, SQL
    •     Other: Godot, Arduino
    •     Operating Systems: Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, Linux Ubuntu, Linux Mint, Linux ElementaryOS
    •     Deployment: Amazon Web Services, Netlify, Heroku, Github
    •     Platforms: Shopify, Wix, Squarespace, GoDaddy, Wordpress, Pixieset
    •     Analytics: Google Analytics, Meta Business Suite, Looker Studio
    •     Production: Twitch, Streamlabs OBS, Apple Garage Band, AnchorFM Podcasts, iMovie
    •     Graphic Design: Canva, Adobe Illustrator
    •     Photography: Adobe Photoshop & Lightroom
    •     Search Engine Optimization SEMRUSH, AHREFS, ScreamingFrog, Search Consoles

  • Clients
  • 30+
  • Certifications
  • 12
  • Frameworks
  • 8
  • Projects
  • 35+
  • Repositories
  • 83

Industry Grade Tools & Experience

Leverage advanced software to bring real results

Project Showcase: Rocket Downrange

An example image from Rocket Downrange's use of the NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day.  This image by Ariel Cappelletti is of NGC 6188: The Dragons of Ara.

From a young age - I've always been curious about 'what is out there?' and inspired by the technological feats that humanity has accomplished. As a young developer always trying to refine my skills - I have created a site called Rocket Downrange that marries my love for God's creation and celebrates humanity's endeavor to explore it.

It connects publicly-available data (free JSON-APIs) to a simple front-end interface (Vue.js) allowing anyone with an internet connection to also be encouraged and inspired by the final frontier. As of right now, the site uses free data provided by NASA (Jet Propulsion Lab and numerous rovers on Mars), SpaceX and Rocket-Lab to deliver constant dynamic content that changes every single day. I'm hoping to continue to grow the site and look forward to the future, ad astra!

NGC 6188: The Dragons of Ara (NASA APOD Featured image) / Credit & Copyright: Ariel L. Cappelletti

Content Creation: The Art of Storytelling

As a digital marketer - the most important skill to have is the ability to produce compelling content that provides value to your audience. I never turn down an experience to try something new and two of my current endeavors below show that fact!


After temporarily losing my job due to Covid-19 in March 2020, I started streaming and building a brand on Twitch for fun. Less than 4 months later, I made affiliate status; and have grown to a community of around 350 followers! I'm part of the Nomad Gaming team and officially sponsored by Disruptive.gg!

The official logo of Yeti from Twitch.tv/yeti_nmg - Rainbow 6 Siege player for Nomad Gaming.

I invite you stop in and say hello, and let my moderators or I know this is how you found out about the channel. Let the good vibes roll!

LC3 Creative

Despite the wild ride that is 2020, I am proud to announce that I am Co-Founding an agency with business partner Cody Culp. We plan to work with small businesses in building and maintaining a strong digital presence (website, SEO, social media) as well as offering ad buying for tv, radio, paper and more.

The official logo of LC3 Creative, a digital marketing agency founded in 2020 with the purpose of serving small businesses.

Send us a message or follow us on Facebook for more information. We have big plans in store and welcome you to be part of the journey!